Sadly for the project, the fight wasn't exactly a fair one:
I've heard from reliable sources that during the development they brought together the best console gamers to play mediocre PC gamers at the same game... and guess what happened? They pitted console gamers with their "console" controller, against PC gamers with their keyboard and mouse.
The console players got destroyed every time. So much so that it would be embarrassing to the XBOX team in general had Microsoft launched this initiative.
That's not entirely surprising to anyone who's fragged on both platforms—Matt Buchanan says "i'd slaughter anybody using a controller if i had a keyboard and mouse"—but it's interesting nevertheless to hear just how thoroughly the Xbox gamers supposedly got their asses whooped. [Rahul Sood via CrunchGear]
Illustration by Sam Spratt. Check out Sam's portfolio and become a fan of his Facebook Artist's Page.
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