That's the end of the news, now comes my opinion - please take cover Blizzard fan boys. There are many opinions floating around at the moment (see TotalBiscuit's youtube for a very interesting rant)
The cash can go to one of two places, your account (free transaction), or a yet unnanounced "third party" (place your bets now - Paypal). The words "free transaction" are there for a reason. Moving money to (for pure example), your paypal account, means Blizzard take their "cut" of the money, and then also paypal would take their "cut" to move the cash to your actual bank acount. but yes Blizzard also take their "cut" from the sale of the item........and erm...just for posting it >.<
Thats ALOT of cuts for Blizzard. Hell even if your item does not sell, money for Blizzard. If it does sell, money for Blizzard. If you want to get what is literally YOUR money into your account then that equals, oh yes, money for Blizzard. I'd like to order 1 x license to print money please....jesus. I'd be all for one set fee for the sale of an item - a complete sale - as the service will cost Blizzard to run obviously, but man all this charge for this, charge for that...I'm kinda against it.
Don't get me wrong the idea of a cash auction house is actually a great one, as to this very day there are hundereds of sites selling Diablo 2 items/gold/characters - you name it, you can buy it. Alot of these sites, are ran by people who are not very nice, and scam or steal from their customers. They are like the shady fella down the market place - he's got what you REALLY want, and for a good price, but would you really trust him or his sources of getting the goods? Under Blizzard's Terms and Conditions, this practice (much like in WoW) has been "illegal" and would get your account banned if caught doing it - so has Blizzard decided to change the rules all of a sudden simply because they see it as a massive profit?
It's all pure and simply a good and a bad idea mixed into one. Some WoW players are calling it "The Auction House Beta" - as you can bet a large amount if this takes off and suceeds then sometime soon a real-cash auction house will be coming with Blizzards next MMO, and probably WoW...chinese farmers must be in a state of panic! Could however be an interesting way for some of us to make some money ourselves.... :)