Today marks the beginning of IGN's Pro SC2 league, the IPL - cunningly named the IPL2. The second season looks to follow the high production value of the original season, and during the qualifying phase IGN has been trying to expand the amount of casters available to give viewers or more varied commentary when they are watching games. The second season, and possibly the biggest aspect of it, marks the opening of the IPL to players in Europe. IPL 1 was North American only, but for season 2 we get to see some of the European grandmasters go over and show the Americans how it is done. Fan favourites such as White-Ra, Bratok and LaLush, line up against the Americans along with Fury, Merz, and many more European qualifiers.
Tune in from July 1th @ 5pm PST for the opening game between reigning champ Idra and Drewbie - what a fantastic starting match to watch! More info over at where you can find footage of the qualifiers, live streamed matches, brackets, results, interviews - you name it, it's there. Stay tuned here for more information as the tournament goes on.