Ghost Recon Online

24 May 2011
Yup not only do we have MW3 news, we also have Ghost Recon news today too. Sadly no update on GR;Future Soldier came today, but rather Ubisoft announced their new "freemium" shooter Ghost Recon: Online. The game has been officially confirmed as free to play from day one, with a launch penciled in late 2011 - and guess what guys - a summer beta! Hit up their main site over HERE and get signed up now. Ghost Recon is a 3rd person tactical shooter, and what better way to start describing it to you than a trailler?


Work on GR:Online has reportedly being going on for about 2years now, and I'm sure you will agree after watching the trailer the game looks absolutely sweet, matching Battlefield Play4Free in looks if not beating it - but we will leave that comparison until the game is released. There are going to be 3 classes in the game, Assault, Recon and Specialist - lets take a brief look at them.


Assault - These are the tough guys, and in the video the dudes carrying the shields. You play shooters, think of TF2's heavy, you play MMO's, this guy is your tank. By bringing the shield down he can lower or complete stop damage all together from the forward direction. Also the guy can charge and bash enemies to the ground. Just by being near these guys make you tougher - they are THAT hard.

Specialist - While nothing concrete seems to be avaliable to their exact abilities, from looking around these guys are - like all classes - going to support their team around them in some way. Suggestions in the comments but if you ask me these guys are likely to modify damage dealt in some way shape or form.

Recon - These guys look cool - they can scan the area for enemies, and even see them through walls! They distribute the spotted intel to everyone around them, and even at some point in the game unlock the ability to cloak themselves, and then the people around them - how cool is that?

All together the team system is looking very very interesting, and the game seems set to demand players work as a team otherwise they are going to find life very hard indeed - organised teams are going to love this game. The 3rd person cam is not everyone's cup of tea but having played Ghost Recon in the past, all the games in the series have been sweet action games and the 3rd person viewpoint causing no issues what so ever.

The shooting has always been sweet and accurate in Ghost Recon games so hopefully this will lead to - fingers cross - possibly a competitive freeplay game...if they support the competitive community properly the potential seems to be all there waiting.

We'll be keeping a good eye on this game in future - so check back for more info when we get it!


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