How long will it take to reach the highest rank in Bad Company 2?

29 April 2010
In an article from "Darius Kazemi"reported some statistics on how long it takes to reach the highest rank in the DICE shooter Battlefield Bad Company 2.Apparently it takes 282 hours on average, to reach the highest rank (50). To come up with this number, 3,373 player profiles where analyzed. Compare that to the 1400 + hours it takes to reach the highest rank in Battlefield 2

To put the hours in perspective, instead of ranking up to the highest rank in BC2 you could:

work full time, 8 hours every day for 35 days straight or, fly around the world 12 times with a concord. 

  • Rank 1-10 players spent 3-24 hours in game
  • Rank 11-20 players spent 25-44 hours in game
  • Rank 21-30 players spent 48-100 hours in game
  • Rank 31-40 players spent 111-221 hours in game
  • Rank 41-50 players spent 228-295 hours in game
Picture and stats: Source
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  • Comment Link klasbo Monday, 03 May 2010 16:18 posted by klasbo

    Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh.

    The question is: Will klasbo ever reach rank 3? :D

  • Comment Link Rippy Monday, 03 May 2010 15:33 posted by Rippy

    The real questions is "How long will it take RIPPY to reach the highest rank in Bad Company 2? OR let me correct that, Will RIPPY ever reach the highest rank?

  • Comment Link Rippy Monday, 03 May 2010 00:11 posted by Rippy

    St0n3r, I could play BFBC2 until I literally would fall asleep on my keyboard but only as long as I would be playing it while talking to you!

  • Comment Link klasbo Sunday, 02 May 2010 14:48 posted by klasbo

    If these stats are anything to go by, I see a broken ranking system:

    The "hours per rank" - if drawn as a line graph - is basically a straight line up to rank 24, then a straight line from 25 to 50, but here at about 3 times the gradient.
    This basically means that you rank up at the same rate up to 24, then only a third as fast from 25 and onwards. You'd expect the ranks to be progressively harder to get (an exponential curve), but no. Not here.

    @Stoner, have you heard any news on a map editor? Cracking the fbrb files is hard enough, editing them near impossible... I'm expecting us to get a proper solid modSDK (something like the SC2 editor) sometime in the near future.
    A lot of the maps have huge potential, but they're just so damn linear and limited. Open them up a little and we have something that reminds us of the good ol' BF2 maps.

  • Comment Link sT0n3r Friday, 30 April 2010 07:59 posted by sT0n3r

    i cant play bad company 2 for more then a couple of hours, before i just get bored with the same old maps i miss bf2

  • Comment Link XGoldX Thursday, 29 April 2010 19:16 posted by XGoldX

    In my BF2 vs BF BC 2 article was 400 +/- 100 and as i said the best time is around 300 for the best players and 400 for moderate.

    I actually checked scores of 10-15 hardcore gamers and the best ones had 20,000+.

    To make 50 lvl in 282 hours you need to get 22 000+ points every hour, it's a huge number and only best scorers can manage to keep that constant high value.

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