ROOTKiWiKaKi - Predicted winner KiWiKaki
Kiwikaki is certainly one of the favourites to win the tournament, and certainly a player I enjoy watching and have faith in this guys ability. NOVAstalife is certainly the lesser known of the two but he has a very very solid game play and a good record backing it up as well - maybe he will make this his tournament? I sadly feel a trip to the lower bracket is all that will come of this match for NOVAstalife.
FXOSheth vs
EGAxslav - Predicted winner FXOSheth
A good solid terran vs zerg here and could prove to be a good back and forth set of games. EGAxslav has a strong advantage by having Idra as a sparing partner, making PvZ surely one of his strong points. I am however a zerg fan boy so I will be putting my faith in Sheth, however this is a balanced game and could go either way really.
FnaticMSiTTI - Predicted winner ROOTdrewbie
Drewbie is a fan favourite and possibly the strongest Terran in the tournament. MSITTi - formerly know as ttOne - should prove to be the match of the round of 16, with the winner potentially going through to play Idra whoever wins this has got their work cut out for them. TTone has a solid protoss game but Drewbie is far favourite for a good reason, and is a powerhouse of a terran player who should pull off the win.
EGIdrA vs
FnaticFenix - Predictd winner EGIdra
Idra, a north American starcraft legend if ever there was one. Fenix has his work cut out for him if he wishes to avoid a trip to the lower bracket. Idra however has been a little...uninspiring recently in my opinion and I have my concerns should his rage turn into frustration, as he simply falls to pieces. He is however eager to get a tournament win and should his famous rage turn into concentration rather than frustration then Idra turns into an unstoppable macro monster that people have learned to fear. Idra is a tournament winning favourite - lets just hope he doesn't bottle it.
VTSpades vs
EGiNcontroL - Predicted winner EGiNcontrol
Should be a balanced game this, however iNcontrol's experience at a tournament level should give him the edge. Spades tends to be a bit passive recently and should he play this way then iNcontrol will pure and simply steamroll him - he is not a player to leave unattended, and we all know how hard that protoss ball is to stop once it gets going.
LGAgh - Predicted winner ROOTCatZ
Statistically CatZ has the 'best' world ranking out of all the players, and is a very firm favorite to win as he is well proven on the Starcraft scene. He should have no trouble dispatching LGAgh and should produce some interesting game play - CatZ is always always a joy to watch.
Hope you guys enjoy watching the tournament - post comments below about your own predictions or how the matches go and look out for some VOD's going up on RUSH TV should I get my hands on some replay files (*fingers crossed*).